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Year 6 at Pendarren – October 2018 

We look forward to sharing interesting snippets from the Year 6 adventure in Pendarren with you here over the coming days…


After the excitement of the disco last night (highlight had to be the boys v. girls Macarena), it was a good job that we woke up to yet more glorious Welsh sunshine, otherwise we might have felt a little blue on our last morning.

All groups have enjoyed bushcraft, making shelters, and roasting marshmallows and popping corn on the camp fire.

One last lunch in the garden and we’re ready to set off. A very good time had by all, but of course looking forward to getting home.


Murder mystery was great fun. We charged around the house and outside under the stars finding clues as to who killed Lord Doyle. It even turned out it was not who our siblings had told us it was! Fancy that.

We had an excellent night’s sleep and awoke to eggs and bacon, which went down a treat. We’ve spent the rest of the day doing our final rotation of activities, which consists of either caving, the Big Pit, tackling the high ropes or going to Raglan castle.

Tonight we’ll enjoy fish and chips before showing off our finest dance moves at the disco. We can’t wait!


We’ve enjoyed a glorious morning in the Welsh countryside, although three groups missed it on account of being underground in a cave.

The High Ropes session was fantastic, as we worked our way up a tower of crates, traversed across a high wire and zip wired through the valley!

More news from the caverns on their return…

So, the sun continued to shine all afternoon – lucky us – and the fun has continued too. One group explored Raglan Castle, while the cavers got good and wet underground, and another group enjoyed the high ropes and zip wire. The sun was still out when we returned from our activities so there was, inevitably, a game of football, and, perhaps less inevitably, an impromptu Macarena.

We’ve had a delicious curry supper and are now looking forward to the Murder Mystery (although it may not be much of a mystery to some, as some older siblings have let the cat out of the bag…!).

All the children are in fine form, but hopefully tired enough to permit a good night’s sleep.


Despite high levels of excitement, most of us managed to get some sleep last night.

After an early start and a good American pancake breakfast, this morning has been full on with activities.

Two groups have been on the canal in Abergavenny, one lot has been at Raglan Castle, whilst the others have been either caving and climbing. Everyone is having a lot of fun so far….

The fun has continued into the afternoon with a definite historical theme. Whilst one group has been re-enacting the sacking of Raglan Castle, others have been deep underground, taking in the industrial age in a real Welsh coalmine. And in between, we’ve watched salmon leaping up the Usk, and gone back to give the horses another stroke!

Tonight’s entertainment is spaghetti Bolognese followed by a visit to Pendarren by a local story teller. Everyone is very happy – even Rob.



After a pretty good journey, we arrived at Pendarren House just in time for a late lunch. The day has mostly been spent getting to know where everything is: our bedrooms, the dining room, the kit room and the surrounding area.

Once we were issued with our boots and waterproofs, we explored the beautiful countryside. We’ve had a giant game of hide and seek, waded through the river and got to talk to the resident horses.

Next it’s unpacking, making up our beds and getting ready for room inspection – all in time for supper. Looks like we’re going to have a brilliant week.

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