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Choosing the right primary school for your child is a very significant event. It is important to find out as much as possible about your local schools before you submit your application. We think it is essential for parents to visit each school during the working day to experience its unique ethos and atmosphere.

To make an appointment to visit Highgate Primary, have a tour of the school and meet the headteacher William Dean, please phone the school office on 020 8340 7023. There is a tour of the whole school every Wednesday at 10.00am. Please see our Prospective Parents page for more information.

To learn more, follow the links below:

Nursery Admissions – please contact the school directly for admissions.

Reception Admissions – please contact your local authority directly for admissions.

In-Year Admissions – please contact your local authority directly for admissions, but do feel free to contact the school as well, as we can support your application.


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