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School Street

Sustainability is an important value for us at Highgate Primary School.  We want our school to look and be a greener place. Through our curriculum, assemblies and visitors into school, we aim to raise awareness of the effects of climate change and the need to protect our environment. We work together to place sustainability at the heart of everything we do.

Highgate Primary School is proud to be a TfL Travel for Life Gold Accredited School. The school is also a member of Haringey’s School Streets parking scheme since 2021, promoting active travel and reducing air pollution.

We have a Green Council that meets every half term, which enables children and parents to take an active role in making the school ‘greener’. The children’s Green Council is made up of two children from each class from Years 2 to 6, who are elected by their peers at the start of every academic year. The Parents’ Green Council is made up of motivated parents who promote and support better use of energy, clean air & sustainable travel, Reduce-Re-use-Recycle, indoor & outdoor planting and fundraising.

Green Councillors (parents and children) work together to generate ideas to make our lives healthier, more sustainable and ‘greener’. Over the last few years the Green Council has been busy helping with the following activities and events:

  • Ensuring the school is recycling effectively at all times
  • Reducing the use of energy in the school
  • Running a successful Sustainability Week
  • Increasing awareness about waste reduction, littering and recycling
  • Increasing awareness about air quality and the importance of sustainable travel
  • Welcoming visitors into our school to talk about environmental issues
  • Organising cycle training
  • Taking an active part in Walk to School Week, Big Walk and Wheel and promoting active travel
  • Engaging and learning about the importance of our natural environment and about the dangers of climate change for future generations
  • Discussing and engaging with the annual COP events

Sustainable Travel Map

This map is a useful tool to help everyone in the school community to travel sustainably and prioritise active journeys.

We welcome hands-on support, creative ideas and new members. If you would like to get involved please email or contact Tom

Please also see our Green Council Page.


More Information on Our School Street

What is a school Street?

A School Street is a walking and cycling zone created outside a school during peak drop-off and pick-up times, so only people walking and cycling, and those with vehicle permits, are eligible to enter the zone during certain times.

Where is our School Street exactly?

Our School Street zone will include Kenwood Road, Gaskell Road, Yeatman Road and Storey Road. See the draft map below.

When will our School Street start?

Monday 19th April 2021

What are the operating times of our School Street?

Monday to Friday term time only between 8.30 – 9.30am and 3.00 – 4.00pm.

Who can use the street during this time?

The School Street will remain open to people walking and cycling, disabled badge holders and residents of the street, who will have a permit and will continue to have access via car.

What happens if I drive in the School Street area during restricted times without a permit?

If you drive within the zone during the operating times, you will receive a penalty charge fee of £100.

How will the School Street be enforced?

CCTV cameras will be in operation.

Which streets can I park on if I need to drive to school?

Please find attached a map of the local streets, which allows parking at drop off and pick up hours. Do note that restrictions may apply on these streets at other times.

Is our School Street permanent?

The School Street will be initially for a 6 month trial period, during which Haringey Council will open a consultation so you can provide feedback on how you feel the School Street is working in practice. This feedback will help inform a future decision on whether to finish the trial or make the School Street permanent.


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