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PSHE explained

At Highgate Primary School we believe the teaching of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is one of the most important elements of our curriculum.

You can read an overview of the Curriculum here.

Skills We Learn

Always in an age appropriate way, we help the children manage their lives, now and in the future, and help them to learn everyday, essential, life skills, including:

The Development of self-understanding, empathy and healthy, productive relationships
Sex and Relationship Education
Eating healthily
Keeping safe on the roads
How to stay safe on the internet
The promotion of good mental health
In keeping with the Highgate Primary School ethos, the children are encouraged, and frequently reminded, to speak to a trusted adult when they have any concerns or worries.


Throughout the school year, we are fortunate to have various visitors to help bring our PSHE curriculum to life, including visits from:

  • The Police
  • The Fire Service
  • The NSPCC
  • The Dogs Trust
  • A dental health advisor
  • DrugEd UK
  • Road safety experts


One of the important issues we teach throughout the school is the NSPCC’s message PANTS, which helps children understand that their body belongs to them and them alone. ‘The Underwear Rule’, is a simple way for parents to help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex.

Privates are always private

Always remember your body belongs to you

No means no

Talk about secrets that upset you

Speak up, someone can help

Please follow this link for some excellent information from the NSPCC:

Anti- Bullying

Another important aspect covered by PSHE is anti-bullying. The negative effects of bullying can have an impact on a person for their entire life. Highgate Primary School promotes an environment free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behaviour.

Our aims include:

  • Ensuring all members of the school community has an understanding of what bullying is.
  • Creating an atmosphere and environment where children, parents and staff feel able to tell the school about bullying if it arises and are confident it will be taken seriously and dealt with.
  • To put in place clear procedures for dealing with incidents of bullying.

For further information, please read our Anti-Bullying Policy

Useful Links:

If you would like more information, or you have any questions about the PSHE curriculum, please contact our Pastoral Lead, Michael Ingall-Clark,  at or via the School Office.

Additionally, if you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or happiness then please speak to Michael or your child’s teacher.


You can also go to our PSHE Curriculum page and read  our Personal Social Health, Economic Education and Relationships and Sex Education Policy.

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