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Support Us

Thank you, your support is invaluable to us.

Highgate Primary School is a creative, diverse and successful community school, where children love learning. We are ambitious for every child and want them to grow up to be the best they can possibly be.

Although it is unclear exactly how our school will be affected, it is clear that we are likely to be facing significant cuts in real terms and we have no reserve funds to counteract the cuts. We must therefore be pro-active in raising funds for our school, to continue to make a positive and dramatic impact on the lives of our children.

We are fortunate to have a very strong, capable and dedicated PSA.

We have launched an ongoing Reading Books Fundraising Appeal. Find out more here.

We are also currently applying for grants to support the following areas, which the PSA also contributes significantly towards:

  • Music lessons & instrument hire
  • Forest Schools
  • Cookery classes
  • The Allotment
  • The Library
  • Art Equipment
  • Sport

If we have piqued your interest, or if you have any fundraising ideas you would like to share, please do get in touch.

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