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The school has a set of policies covering all aspects of school life including the school’s approach to teaching and learning, parental partnership, equalities, the school curriculum and health and safety.

Many of these policies are required by law, and all are ratified by the Governing Body. Printed copies of our policies are available through the school office. Otherwise they can be viewed here:

Accessibility Plan

Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Procedures Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Appraisal Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

Children Looked After Policy

Collection of Children Policy

Communications & Complaints Policy

Complaints Procedure Policy

Curriculum Policy

Educational Visits Policy

English Policy

Equalities Policy

Exclusions Policy

EYFS Policy

Financial Management Policy 

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

GDPR Policy

Governors’ Allowances Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Healthy Eating Policy

Home School Agreement 

Homework Policy

Lettings Policy

Managing Medicines Policy

Maths Policy

Online Safety Policy

Parental Partnership Policy

Personal Social Health, Economic Education and Relationships and Sex Eduction Policy

Presentation Policy 

Prevent Policy

Pupil Premium Policy

Race Equalities Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Summary

Scheme of Financial Delegation

Social Media and Social Networking Code of Conduct

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Transition Policy

Use of Force to Control or Restrain Children Policy 

Whistleblowing Procedure