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PE & Sports Premium

Sport is an integral part of Highgate Primary School. Children receive two hours of PE each week led by teachers and our PE coach, Jimmar.  We make use of our outside area all year round, as well as using Highgate Wood in better weather. Our games curriculum is broad and varied and takes in a large range of different sports including, athletics, football, basketball, netball, tag rugby, hockey, badminton, cricket and even American football. The other hour is spent exploring movement and sequences through gymnastics and dance. Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 also spend one half term a year learning how to swim.

Highgate Primary School wants every child to achieve a high level of fitness. In addition to PE lessons, we have a wide range of extra-curricular activities after school including football, netball, cross-country, gymnastics, multi-sports and tai chi. We also participate in sports tournaments organised by Haringey, as well as other friendlies against local schools.

The school uses funding through the School Sports Premium to increase participation and performance in a range of ways, which are detailed in the reports below. The reports includes the percentage of Year 6 pupils who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Sports Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23

Sports Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22

Sports Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24




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