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Trips and Visits

As part of our commitment to taking learning outside of the classroom, teachers make full use of unique resources provided within our local area. Classes will routinely be found out and about in Highgate Woods, Hampstead Heath and Highgate village. Year 4 visit Lauderdale House as part of part of their topic ‘Life in Highgate during the Second World War’; Year 5 go to Highgate Cemetery to study ‘The Ghosts of Highgate Past’ and Year 1 go on a trail through Highgate village to study historical buildings and architecture ending up with observational drawings of Kenwood House. The annual tree climbing and abseiling in  Highgate Woods is enjoyed by all the children at school.

Good use is made of free public transport in and out of London enabling classes to make use of many of the world’s best galleries and museums. This year, classes have visited The Science Museum, The Tower of London, The Museum of Childhood, The National Gallery, Tate Modern and The British Museum, allowing children to learn from the inspirational exhibits, artefacts and art works within them.

Growing independence and a sense of adventure is nurtured through the school’s programme of residential journeys. In the Summer term, the Year 4 classes have two nights away at Tolmers Activity Centre in Cuffley Woods and Year 6 take part in a week of outdoor and adventurous activities at Pendarren. Night hikes, campfires with songs and toasted marshmallows and pyjama parties with board games and hot chocolates play a large part of these trips. The children look forward to these trips with enormous excitement and anticipation and they will be remembered for years to come.

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