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All parents are automatically members of the Parent School Association (PSA)

We are fortunate to have a very strong, capable and dedicated PSA called ‘The Highgate Primary and Blanche Nevile Primary School Association’, a registered charity, no. 288558. The charity aims to advance the education of our pupils by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school not normally provided by the school budget.

The role of the Parent School Association (PSA) is twofold.

Firstly to create and maintain a vibrant, friendly and supportive school community through organising fun whole school community events. These include cake sales, the Summer Fair, The One World Evening, The Colour Run and Quiz Nights.

Secondly, the PSA raises money for school. The money raised benefits all the children at Highgate Primary through providing lovely extra resources for the classrooms or curriculum enriching events.

Significant funds raised by the PSA have contributed to achieve goals such as the cookery studio and more recently, the sensory playground in the early years outdoor area.  We are currently focusing on raising funds to revamp the upper and lower playgrounds, which includes the markings on the ground, the very much loved wooden train and basketball and football nets in school.  Amongst other things, the PSA also pays for the musical instrument lessons that all children in Years 4 and 5 benefit from and workshops such as Meadow Song curated by musician and theatre director Kate Stilitz.

The PSA meets every Friday in the Family Centre at 9am for an hour or so. Everybody in the school community – parents, carers and teachers – is a member. Everyone is welcome to pop in, have a cup of tea or coffee, meet other parents and find out how to get involved. Any time you can give is greatly appreciated, whether it is helping to sell cakes at a cake sale, running a stall at the Winter Fair or getting a table together for the Quiz Night it all makes a difference! Younger siblings are of course more than welcome to come along too.

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered, donated, supported and helped raise money for the school.

Have a look at all our wonderful PSA Events this year.