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Governors are the school’s critical friends. We are there to support William and Rebecca set the school’s direction and stay focused on it. We establish the school’s vision, which we use to help our strategic thinking.

Taking our lead from William and Rebecca, the governing body thinks about how the school looks, whether we need new buildings and how to maintain the ones we have. Governors must check that the budget makes sense, adds up, and isn’t overspent — and we also try to allocate money towards projects that will develop the school.

It is crucial to look at whether the children are making good progress, so we support William and Rebecca to support the staff in this. We have built frameworks to ensure that the children are always safe, and that everybody’s needs are met. We make sure that the school’s reputation remains high, through articles in the local press, or the school’s brochure and website.

We are very proud of our dynamic Family Centre, and our unique situation in pursuing a 0-11 primary vision.

We work through a system of committees, which report back to the whole governing body. Our agenda is determined by an evolving self-evaluation document, which shows us where to push for improvements. William and Rebecca draw up the school’s development plan annually, and we link this to the school’s budget. We are responsible for the extensive range of policies that every school must have in place.

Governors visit the school as often as we can. We stay up to date by accessing information, advice and training on issues we don’t feel clear on. Anybody is welcome to attend the open part of full governing body meetings, which take place twice a term. There are many ways to become a governor or associate governor  – just ask William or Rebecca or one of us through the school. Parents can contact governors at any time, either via parent governors they know, or via the school office.

Our governing body is made up of total of 13 governors which includes the Co-Headteachers.

Parent Governors (5 places) are elected by parents of registered pupils and must be parents or carers at the time of election.  Parent governors do not have to leave if their child leaves during their term of office, but they can if they wish to.

LA Governors (1 place) are nominated by the Local Authority and are often political appointments.  LA Governors are sometimes members of a political party in the area and usually live locally.

Staff Governors (2 places) are elected by the school staff employed to work at the school and must include the Co-Headteachers. If they leave the school, they cannot remain on the governing body.

Co-opted Governors (4 places) are appointed by the governing body to represent community interests.

Associate Governors (1 place) can be co-opted onto the governing body, but do not have voting rights.

Clerk to the Governing Body: Helen Boundy


Please find below a link to the most recent Governing Body Impact Review, as well as links with more information about the Governing Body in general.


Highgate Primary School Governing Body

Highgate Primary School Governing Body – Interests & Roles


Letter from the Governing Body December 2020

Governor Impact Review for parents July 2019 


Minutes of Governing Body Meeting March 2024

Minutes of Governing Body Meeting  January 2024

Minutes of Governing Body Meeting September 2023

Minutes of Governing Body Meeting July 2023

Minutes of Governing Body Meeting May 2023

Minutes of Governing Body Meeting March 2023

Minutes of Governing Body Meeting January 2023

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting November 2022

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting September 2022

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting June 2022

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting May 2022

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting March 2022

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting January 2022

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting November 2021

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting September 2021

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting June 2021

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting May 2021

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting March 2021

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting January 2021

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting November 2020

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting September 2020

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting May 2020

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting January 2020


Highgate Primary Governing Body Record of Attendance 2023-2024

Highgate Primary Governing Body Record of Attendance 2022-2023

Highgate Primary Governing Body Record of Attendance 2021-22

Highgate Primary Governing Body Record of Attendance 2020-21


Please note that associate members who participate in the work of committees are also welcome to attend Full Governor Body meetings but are not required to do so.


Policy for Governors Allowances 2020


For further financial information please see the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service 


In addition, if you would like to share any suggestions as to how you feel the school could be further improved, please e-mail the governing body at: