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The Monkey King

Those of you who have been wondering why a monkey, a pig, a monk, a horse and an alien creature were spotted capering around the school just after half term, will be interested to hear that Year 6 have been busy devising and acting in their very own Mandarin short film.

To mark the Chinese New Year of the Monkey, the Chinese Embassy ​challenged primary schools across the United Kingdom to come up with a short performance on the theme of The Monkey King.  Year 6’s response was brilliant.

They planned a journey for Monkey King through the Kingdom of Highgate Primary. According to the Monkey King stories  (also known as Journey to the West), Monkey and his companions embark on a quest to reach India and find the teachings of Buddha. Along the way, each time Monkey and his crew enter a kingdom, they must find the King in order to be granted safe passage. Thankfully the crew did indeed find King Dean, although they encountered a few scary creatures along the way.

Our Year 6 production, which was conducted entirely in Mandarin, was awarded First Prize in the competition! We will be receiving a certificate and a cash prize which will be spent on a Chinese cultural activity for the children to enjoy.

Well done to all involved!

The Monkey King Film

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