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The Latest Ofsted Report…

It has been lovely to see the children return to school so happily for the summer term. The sun has been shining, the school is looking fantastic and we have just received communication from Ofsted.

Following our inspection in the spring, I am pleased to share with you the final version of our Ofsted report here. Whilst this was an ungraded inspection, the headline is that Ofsted considered there to be enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school may well have been judged ‘outstanding’ had this been a graded inspection. The school’s next inspection will therefore be a graded inspection, with Ofsted set to return in a year or two.

I am delighted with the report, which I feel captures the spirit of our unique school. Whilst we have never changed our ethos to fit within any Ofsted framework, it is nonetheless very gratifying to receive external validation of the wonderful work of all sections of our school community. Please do take time to give it a good read.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who supported the school through the inspection process.  Your responses to Ofsted Parent View were overwhelmingly positive!

I look forward to celebrating with you all next week at One World Evening on Friday 28th April.

With best wishes



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