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Search Results for ‘1’

  1. Links

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Links Whittington Health Maternity Services Breastfeeding Network NHS Breastfeeding National Children’s Day NCT Highgate Group practice Kenwood House Lauderdale House Highgate Library Jacksons Lane Theatre Phoenix Cinema Puddles Party Entertainer    

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  2. Map

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Map Highgate Family Centre can be found behind Highgate Primary School off North Hill. The entrance to the Centre is behind the school on Gaskell Road, N6 4ED Buses: 143, 234, 263 Tube: Highgate Driving: Access via Kenwood Rd (not Storey Rd) Parking: Gaskell Rd* Kenwood Rd* Storey Rd* North Hill* * restrictions from 10am – 12noon Yeatman Road –  Pay & Display […]

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  3. Parent Partnership

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Parent Partnership We know schools work best when parents our engaged with their child’s education. We are fortunate that our parents give invaluable support in a variety of ways to everyday school life. In the early years at school, parents are often asked to volunteer to help with general classroom activities. In addition, teachers may […]

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  4. PSA

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    PSA All parents are automatically members of the Parent School Association (PSA) We are fortunate to have a very strong, capable and dedicated PSA called ‘The Highgate Primary and Blanche Nevile Primary School Association’, a registered charity, no. 288558. The charity aims to advance the education of our pupils by providing and assisting in the […]

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  5. Year 6

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Year 6 Autumn 1: Pendarren This topic gives children the opportunity to investigate the physical and human geography of the area around Pendarren House, Haringey’s residential centre which is visited by all children in Year 6. Pendarren House lies in the Brecon Beacons National Park. It is predominantly a rural mountainous landscape with scattered sheep farms, villages […]

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  6. Year 5

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Welcome to Year 5 Autumn 1: A Victorian Education Within this topic, children carry out an historical enquiry into the experience of children at Highgate Primary during the Victorian era. The topic places the children’s knowledge of the period within the context of the significant social and economic changes of the Industrial Revolution. The topic […]

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  7. Year 4

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Welcome to Year 4 Autumn 1: Masks and Minotaurs This topic introduces children to the classical civilisation of Ancient Greece. They learn about characteristic features of Ancient Greece including the origins of democracy, Greek philosophy, classical architecture and the Peloponnesian war. Children use this knowledge to consider the influence of Ancient Greece on the western […]

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  8. Reception

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Reception Reception Curriculum In Reception class our aim is to make sure that children feel settled, confident and happy coming to school. We also strive to build supportive and positive relationships with children’s families. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum emphasises the development of the whole child and it is through strong relationships between home […]

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  9. Nursery Curriculum

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    Welcome to the Nursery The school’s ethos is that children’s Nursery experience should be relaxed, home-like and led by their own interests.  We know that children learn best when they are happy, healthy, safe and secure, when their interests are followed and when they enjoy positive relationships with the adults caring for them.  In the […]

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  10. ICT

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2011

    ICT Everyone at Highgate Primary is passionate about the potential of ICT. All children enjoy the opportunity to use our ICT suite with its brand new Apple Macs, and every class is fitted with an interactive whiteboard. In addition, children learn how to use beebots, camcorders, microphones and digital cameras to enhance their learning.  

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