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Search Results for ‘1’

  1. Governor Biographies

    Posted on: Tuesday 15th April 2014

    Governor Biographies   Staff Governors are elected by school staff and can be teachers or support staff. Co-Headteachers William and Rebecca are staff governors by virtue of their office. William Dean William is a Co-Headteacher of Highgate Primary School and therefore also a governor. At our meetings we hold him to account and keep him […]

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  2. Pastoral Support

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Our Pastoral Support Programme At Highgate Primary we want everyone involved with our school to feel well supported. We believe that good pastoral support focuses on nurturing the individual needs of each child. We aim to build trusting and empathic relationships with all our pupils and their families. Our Inclusion Team is made up of […]

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  3. Exam & Assessment Results

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Exam & Assessment Results We are proud of the hard work of all our pupils. End of Key Stage 2 SATS results 2023 Assessment  The school has strong assessment procedures in place to track the academic progress of all children as they move through the school. Termly pupil progress meetings review this progress and help […]

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  4. Pupil Premium Grant

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Pupil Premium Grant Highgate Primary School is committed to narrowing the gap in attainment of children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The targeted and strategic use of the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) supports the school to achieve this aim. Principles: We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils. We ensure […]

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  5. Letters & Class Newsletters

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Letters & Class Newsletters 2023-24 All letters are sent to parents via Parentmail, with hard copies by request. Please find below the Class Newsletters and Class Objectives for Year 1 – 6 for English and Maths.   Whole School Newsletters May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 January 2024 November 2023 December 2023 Social Media and […]

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  6. Mandarin

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Mandarin Highgate Primary’s Mandarin and Chinese Culture curriculum was launched in September 2013.  In 2015, the school became recognised as a centre of excellence for Mandarin and was awarded the status of Confucius Classroom. Highgate Primary is one of only a handful of primary schools in the UK to achieve such recognition. Lessons in the […]

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  7. PSHE

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at Highgate Primary PSHE and RSE education are school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work. When delivered well, PSHE and RSE education has an […]

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  8. Allotment

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Allotment The school is very fortunate to have acquired a substantial plot on the neighbouring allotments whose entrance is in Yeatman Road. The allotment is maintained by parents, staff and children through an after-school allotment club and is regularly visited by small groups of children within the school day. The Highgate Primary Curriculum provides children […]

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  9. Forest Schools

    Posted on: Thursday 3rd April 2014

    Forest Schools At Highgate Primary we are firmly committed to the principles of Forest Schools, which form an important part of our curriculum in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. Forest School is a type of outdoor education in which our children learn personal, social and technical skills through regular visits to Highgate Woods. […]

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  10. Forms

    Posted on: Tuesday 1st April 2014

    Forms Please feel free to download and use any of the forms attached below. For whole school letters and class newsletters, please visit Letters & Class Newsletters in the Parents section.   Change of Pupil Details Form  Exceptional Absence Request Form Free School Meal Form Highgate Primary School Admission Form Home School Agreement Form Permission […]

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