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Search Results for ‘1’

  1. Down’s Syndrome

    Posted on: Wednesday 1st May 2019

    Down’s Syndrome Down’s syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in a baby’s cells, and around 1 in every 1000 babies born in the UK will have Down’s syndrome. It is typically associated with different rates of physical and cognitive development. People with Down’s syndrome may possess these attributes to varying degrees, […]

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  2. Testing Times

    Posted on: Tuesday 30th April 2019

    I remember an assembly at my primary school in which our Headteacher, Mr Sidnell, opened with the question, ‘What season is it?’. There was a clue at the front, where Mr. Sidnell had proudly displayed a vase of freshly cut pussy willow. I was sat next to John Bainbridge, whose hand, very much to Mr […]

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  3. Dog Day Afternoon

    Posted on: Wednesday 27th March 2019

    Last week was one of the most professionally demanding weeks I’ve experienced in a long while. It’s generally pretty busy at this time anyway, but add on the additional pressures of setting a balanced budget, challenges at the school I’m supporting in Westminster and a full governing body meeting, it was a relief to get […]

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  4. The future belongs to those who prepare today

    Posted on: Monday 11th March 2019

    A primary school fulfils many functions, the most important of which is to give children the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to be successful in the future. Acquiring good basic skills is a clear advantage, as is having a good knowledge and understanding of the world. However, the thing most likely to make the biggest […]

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  5. Los Feliz

    Posted on: Wednesday 20th February 2019

    All primary schools have certain things in common. Children are organised into classes, each of which has a classroom and teacher. The school follows a curriculum designed to give all children the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the future – and all this is delivered through lessons where the key focus […]

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  6. Quizzy Rascals

    Posted on: Monday 4th February 2019

    It’s that time of year again – the Headteacher’s Quiz – but with so many things to consider, preparing the questions is not as straightforward as you might think… Firstly, things have to be pitched right. I went to one quiz at a local independent school where the quizmaster came up with questions so fiendishly […]

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  7. All work and no play?

    Posted on: Monday 28th January 2019

      With a national shortage of teachers already affecting schools and recruitment set to reach crisis levels in the coming years, it was refreshing to hear Education Secretary, Damian Hines, publicly acknowledge that things need to change in order to retain our best teachers. A headline strand of his strategy to reduce teachers’ workload is […]

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  8. Run the World

    Posted on: Monday 14th January 2019

    It was lovely to see the children skipping back into school on Tuesday – and the start of the new year was the ideal time to get everyone thinking about all the things we plan to do better or differently this year. Getting fit is always the nation’s number one pledge for January, with gym […]

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  9. Prospective Parents

    Posted on: Wednesday 5th December 2018

    Prospective Parents Welcome to Highgate Primary School. School Tours Our school tours, led by our Co-Headteachers, William Dean  and Rebecca Lewis, or one of our Senior Leadership Team, will take place during term time as follows: Wednesdays 10.00 am Please do contact the school office to book your place, as all tours need to be […]

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  10. So, how do you think he’s getting on?

    Posted on: Monday 26th November 2018

      This week the school is holding our termly parent consultation meetings, giving teachers the opportunity to update parents on the progress their children have made – whilst allowing parents to share important information from home. It’s a really important discussion that supports teachers and parents to work together in partnership for the benefit of […]

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