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Search Results for ‘1’

  1. Let’s Move To Finland

    Posted on: Monday 9th January 2017

    Since the excitement of writing my inaugural blog, I’ve been carrying out extensive research into the best school in the world – where is it and what is it like? Enter ‘best school in the world’ into Google and what comes up is Le Rosey, a boarding school in Switzerland. At £86,000 a year it […]

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  2. We Want To Be The Best School In The World

    Posted on: Wednesday 4th January 2017

    It’s scientifically proven that the older you get, the faster time travels. Age 5, a year lasts forever. Age 50 and it’s gone in the blink of an eye, as was the case for me last year at Highgate Primary. There’s something about the pattern of the school year, with its topics and calendar of events, that means something […]

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  3. Fundraising News

    Posted on: Tuesday 6th December 2016

    Fundraising News Summer Fair 2016 Under the summer sun, the Toy Story Summer Fair was a roaring success. Happy children, families and staff filled the playground, bursting with colour and energy. The BBQ, face painting, Story Tent, marvellous music and all the eclectic stands, succeeded in enchanting and delighting hundreds of children. Thank you to […]

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  4. British Values

    Posted on: Tuesday 4th October 2016

    Fundamental British Values Highgate Primary School is committed to serving its community. The school embraces the belief that at the heart of a modern ever changing, multi-cultural and multi-faith community is the acceptance of key British values. We believe that it is our responsibility to promote and educate on these. In doing so, our learners […]

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  5. The Family Centre Campaign

    Posted on: Thursday 21st July 2016

    The Family Centre Campaign In 2016/2017 we aimed to raise £10,000 to help support our unique Family Centre, which has such a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of women, young children and families within our community. We are thrilled to announce that we surpassed our target this year and raised approximately £11,000! This […]

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  6. Thank You

    Posted on: Monday 11th July 2016

    Thank You… A huge thank you to everyone who supports us through fundraising, attending the wonderful PSA events and volunteering. Thank you very much to the following Trusts & Foundations for their wonderful support: The Tottenham Grammar Foundation The Winship Foundation The Garfield Weston Foundation Awards for All Sport England Free Sport The Mackintosh Foundation The […]

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  7. How To Help

    Posted on: Thursday 7th July 2016

    How can you help? You can help support us in many different ways… Events Come and enjoy our fabulous events throughout the year.   Easyfundraising  We are signed up to Easyfundraising who have over 2,700 well known retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, eBay, Next and Tesco which all donate a percentage of what you spend to […]

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  8. Support Us

    Posted on: Thursday 7th July 2016

    Support Us Thank you, your support is invaluable to us. Highgate Primary School is a creative, diverse and successful community school, where children love learning. We are ambitious for every child and want them to grow up to be the best they can possibly be. Although it is unclear exactly how our school will be […]

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  9. Parent & Pupil Feedback

    Posted on: Monday 27th June 2016

    Parent and Pupil Feedback At Highgate Primary, we work closely with our school community. Your feedback is highly valued by the school and we really appreciate your thoughts and comments. Feedback postcards and a post box is available in our reception, so please do feel free to share your ideas. Equally, you can email […]

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  10. Maths

    Posted on: Wednesday 27th April 2016

    Maths at Highgate Primary School Purpose of study Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A […]

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