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Search Results for ‘1’

  1. Nursery Admissions

    Posted on: Thursday 15th June 2017

    Nursery Admissions Applications Applications need to be made by the last day of February in the calendar year that the child is due to start nursery, using this link Applications are processed during March and parents are formally offered places by the end of March for a September start. January places, if available, will […]

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  2. Autism

    Posted on: Tuesday 13th June 2017

    Autism As we have a number of children with autism in our school community, we thought it might be helpful for parents to learn a little more about what the diagnosis means. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person perceives the world and interacts with other people. It is a spectrum […]

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  3. PSHE Explained

    Posted on: Tuesday 13th June 2017

    PSHE explained At Highgate Primary School we believe the teaching of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is one of the most important elements of our curriculum. You can read an overview of the Curriculum here. Skills We Learn Always in an age appropriate way, we help the children manage their lives, now and […]

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  4. Online Safety Guidance

    Posted on: Tuesday 13th June 2017

    Online Safety Guidance for Parents Supporting children to stay safe whilst online is an essential element of safeguarding children when using technologies such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, social media or games consoles. The Internet is an important and necessary part of everyday life, so children must be supported to learn how to manage and […]

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  5. Attendance

    Posted on: Tuesday 13th June 2017

    Attendance “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Earl of Chesterfield Highgate Primary School believes that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to […]

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  6. Privacy Policy

    Posted on: Tuesday 13th June 2017

    Your use of this website may be monitored by Highgate Primary School, and the resultant information may be used by Highgate Primary School for its internal purposes or in accordance with the rules of any applicable regulatory or self-regulatory organisation. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Information we might collect about you will be […]

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  7. There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

    Posted on: Monday 22nd May 2017

    I blogged a few weeks ago on the pending crisis facing schools through the introduction of ‘fairer’ funding – fairer in the sense that almost all schools will be facing real term reductions in budgets. So with an election looming, it’s a chance to get school funding back on the agenda and for the politicians […]

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  8. An Inclusive School

    Posted on: Tuesday 16th May 2017

      Whichever way you look at it, our school community is blessed with incredible diversity. I’m yet to plot it on a map, but I suspect there are very few parts of the world that do not have a connection with one of our families. Our most recent language survey shows there are 42 different […]

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  9. A Bigger Splash

    Posted on: Monday 8th May 2017

    I was lucky enough to visit the Hockney exhibition at the Tate this weekend, where it was a privilege to spend time amongst such an extensive range of impressive and uplifting work. It was moving to experience the incredible colour in his painting that makes its audience feel rather euphoric. However what really struck me is […]

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  10. Go Compare

    Posted on: Tuesday 2nd May 2017

    As I mentioned in an earlier blog, these days schools are under increasing pressure to deliver on standards. The standards children attain in reading, writing and maths at the end Year 2 and Year 6, are published by the Department for Education with the data presented in all sorts of ways – including the Raiseonline […]

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